Saturday, September 17, 2011

Here is a Beech tree that I collected this past spring. I was originally out looking for birch trees, but didn't find any.
The tree itself isn't anything special, but I like the trunk.

Mini greenhouse

This is a mini greenhouse that I found discarded beside a broken gas grill on the curb. I have been looking for something to house my evergreens in this winter.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's that time of year again. The time when all the big box stores are reducing their inventory of trees and shrubs. I love this time of year. I got a boxwood for $5.00 at Wal-mart a few days ago. Boxwoods can be re-potted in spring or fall, and don't mind hard pruning. I decided to thin out come branches to let air and light in to the middle of the tree. If you don't do this the inner branches will be thin and have few leaves.While i was clipping I noticed a break in one of the larger side branches, so it had to come off. Here is the result of it's initial pruning.
before pruning

I will take off more branches this winter when the tree is dormant.