Monday, August 1, 2011


Here is a picture of a willow branch that I rooted in water this summer. I got the "pot" at goodwill cheap(Bottom picture).Its a glazed Terracotta bowl. I drilled 4 holes in the bottom  and planted the willow in a mix of soil and diatomaceous earth( Napa oil dry). This is one of many willows that I rooted this year.
Rooting willow trees is one of the simplest things to do. Cut off a branch ..put it in water..wait until they develop roots(2 or 3 weeks)..put them in a pot. keep that pot in a saucer of water for a few weeks so the roots won't dry out. then take it out and water as normal. Don't let the soil dry out but don't keep it soggy..
These trees grow very fast. They need at least one root pruning a year. They also need almost constant wiring and pruning. They are good trees to experiment on. they aren't recommended for beginners because of the constant care.
 I don't ever expect this tree( or any of my other willows) to ever be amazing. I'm doing this for experience.

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